Unsere Möbellinien und Formsprachen für Ihren künftigen Verkaufsraum repräsentieren einen eigenständigen Lebens- und Einrichtungsstil. Alle Produkte aus der HAUFF-Produktwelt vereint Qualität auf höchstem Niveau und zeitlose Eleganz. Anhand der 5 folgenden Fragen möchten wir Ihnen eine Orientierungshilfe geben.
Unsere Möbellinien und Formsprachen für Ihren künftigen Verkaufsraum repräsentieren einen eigenständigen Lebens- und Einrichtungsstil. Alle Produkte aus der HAUFF-Produktwelt vereint Qualität auf höchstem Niveau und zeitlose Eleganz. Anhand der 5 folgenden Fragen möchten wir Ihnen eine Orientierungshilfe geben.
Viel Spaß dabei!
Zeitlose Formen mit modernem Erscheinungsbild
Geordnete Abläufe, Ordnung, Struktur
Jedes Projekt ist einzigartig und hochgradig individuell, denn der Verkaufsraum ist Ihre persönliche Visitenkarte nach außen! Hierbei unterstützen wir Sie gern durch individuelle Planung und gezielte Vorbereitung für einen reibungslosen Projektverlauf.
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When Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Hauff founded his own joinery workshop in 1890, he was convinced that quality, perfection and pioneering spirit were the only ways he could achieve something. This joinery workshop in Pomerania has grew into a successful company, which today has a production facility in Bad Schwartau, covering an area of over 15,000 m².
Of course, there is still a Hauff at the top and our attitude has not changed. For instance, when we developed the legendary HAUFF panel more than 30 years ago, this innovation revolutionized the how tiles were presented on the market. We’ve never lost our spirit of innovation! Of course, today, we still spend time thinking about how your display will be able to keep making interesting statements in the future. So you can sell more effectively.
1856: The year our founding father, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Hauff, was born. In 1890, he founded of a master joiner's business in Pflugrade, formerly part of the German region of Pomerania. In doing this, he laid the foundation for a family business that is currently a leader in the development and construction of presentation furniture. Subsequently, his son Wilhelm Hauff was born in 1905, followed by his grandson Karl Hauff in 1929.
After his own apprenticeship, Karl Hauff founds a new master joiner’s workshop for construction and furniture joinery in Bad Schwartau-Cleverbrück.
Our first van.
We move into the completely newly-built premises at the company’s current location of Auf der Wasch 1a in Bad Schwartau. Karl Hauff makes the decision to consistently align the company with the continued development of display furniture and to offer contemporary presentation options to specialist tile and bathroom retail. Traditional joinery for private customers is abandoned.
Ulrich Hauff (born 1956) joins the family business and puts more effort into displays and shopfitting, with innovative in-house developments. Ulrich Hauff develops the legendary Hauff panel - the first disposable panel for the presentation of tiles that can manufacturers can directly fit with samples.
From 1982 to 1994, Hauff revolutionised tile presentation with the Hauff panel and product 80, a piece of tubular steel furniture. More than 500,000 panels were delivered each year. This paved the way for industry and retail throughout Europe to be able to manufacture and present new products in faster and faster cycles.
Since the 70s, Hauff has been on the road with its own haulage trucks, assembling displays throughout Germany.
In sales, a forward-looking change of strategy is takes place: the focus is on individual consultation with the customer and making their desires a reality. In addition, there is a broadening of expertise in the presentation of other types of building materials, such as natural stone, doors, wood and many others.
The Living Wall is developed from experimentation with multimedia technology: A projection screen that can be used to realistically plan and present different scenarios for furnishing bathrooms and living spaces in a way that is life size. The LivingWall becomes an integral part of many showrooms.
Hauff offers every type of customer comprehensive solutions in accordance with their needs, such as the collage table which provides presentation suitable for the office space of a craftsperson and the complete furnishing of display spaces of up to 3000 square meters. Only at HAUFF can you get everything from a single source- from planning to turnkey delivery.
Karl-Sebastian Hauff joins the management board. Co-management of the family business by father and son to design the next generation of showrooms.